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tag_id - unique identifier of the category.
label - name of the category.
parents - identifiers of parent categories.
imageUrl - URL of the image for the category.
sortPriority - numerical priority value. The larger the number, the higher the category will be in the list.


product_id - unique identifier of the product.
name - name of the product.
description - description of the product.
price - price of the product.
tags - tag_id of product categories, separated by commas.
imageurl - url of the image for the product.
optionname - name of the product variation.
hidden - can be set to TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE, the product will be hidden from the catalog.
weight - weight of the product.
prepaymentpercent - a percentage of prepayment for the product.
hideBuybtn - can be set to TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE, the "Buy" button for this product will be hidden.
bonusespercent - a percentage of the price that will be added to the customer's bonuses after purchasing this product.
countintrequired - can be set to TRUE or FALSE. If set to FALSE, the product can be purchased in fractional quantity.
unit - a word denoting a unit of measure for the product. Example: pcs, liter, kg.
stockquantity - quantity of the product in stock.
handlestockquantity - Can be set to TRUE or FALSE. If set to FALSE, it will be possible to buy any quantity of the product, even if it exceeds the stock.
currencyid - price currency code of the product (according to ISO 4217).
productgroupname - name of the product group (if there are any).
sortPriority - numerical value of priority. The larger the number, the higher the product will be in the list.


Order ID - unique identifier of the order.
Date - date of ordering.
Chat ID - identifier of the chat from which the order was made.
Phone - phone number (if provided during checkout).
Username - customer's username in Telegram.
Name - customer's name in Telegram.
Status - current order status.
Info - answers to questions from the checkout.
Total - the total amount of the order.
Total weight - total weight of products in the order.
Paid sum - the amount paid in Telegram.
Promocode - applied promo code.
Product ID - unique identifier of the product.
Product name - name of the product.
Product q-ty - quantity of the product in the order.
Product unit price - price per one unit of the product.
Transaction id - transaction id in your payment system.

Custom orders

answerId - unique identifier of the custom order.
flow_config_id - unique identifier of the custom order config.
Config name - name of the custom order config.
Date - date of custom order submission.
Chat ID - identifier of the chat from which the order was made.
Phone - phone number (if provided during checkout).
Username - customer's username in Telegram.
Name - customer's name in Telegram.
Info - answers to questions from the custom order config.
Status - current status of the custom order.

Promo codes

code - name of the promo code.
discount - the amount or percentage by which the promo code reduces the order amount.
type - can be set to P or F. If set to P, the promo code will reduce the order amount by percentage. If set to F, by fixed amount.
products - product_id of the products to which the promo code can be applied. If the field is empty, the promo code can be applied to all products.
categories - tag_id of the categories to which the promo code can be applied. If the field is empty, the promo code can be applied to all categories.


_id - unique identifier of the text.
default - text that will be used by deafault.
uk - Ukrainian translation.


chat_id - identifier of the chat with the customer.
chat_title - chat name.
chat_type - chat type (private, group, supergroup).
first_name - name of the customer.
last_name - last name of the customer.
language_code - language selected by the customer.
user_id - unique identifier of the customer.
username - username of the customer.
phone_number - phone number of the customer.


affiliate_id - unique identifier of the branch.
name - name of the branch.
description - description of the branch.
importantInfo - important message of the branch.
maxOrderAmount - the maximum amount of the order in the branch.
minOrderAmount - the minimum amount of the order in the branch.
timeRestrictionStart - branch start time.
timeRestrictionEnd - branch closing time.


sourceCurrency - code of the source currency.
targetCurrency - code of the target currency.
rate - a number indicating the exchange rate of the source currency against the target currency.

Updated on: 01/05/2022

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